Customer success stories

Streamlining and Innovation: Indigrow's Digital Advancement with Molnify

Indigrow, a leading player in the sale of fertilizers for sports facilities, has revolutionized its sales process through collaboration with Molnify. Indigrow’s case demonstrates how customized digital solutions can overcome complex business challenges and turn them into opportunities. Transitioning from Excel to a Molnify app has saved Indigrow’s salespeople several hours of work per week, allowing them to focus even more on helping their customers!

Indigrow Excel and web applications on desktop and mobile

The challenge

Indigrow faced the challenge of streamlining its sales process and reducing manual work in Excel. Traditionally, salespeople spent up to two hours daily manually preparing quotes in Excel. They needed a more time-saving way to handle quotes and order management. Another challenge was ensuring that everyone had the correct data when, for example, a price change occurred.

Golf ball at a hole together with Indigrow's formula

The goal

Indigrow’s products require extensive knowledge of chemical values such as nitrogen percentage (N%), phosphorus (P%), and potassium (K%). Salespeople need to be able to analyze how a mix of products affects the surface they are intended for, making their sales process particularly complex. The goal was to create an order application specifically designed to facilitate order management on-site with customers. The application would be tailored to handle Indigrow’s unique and complex order process and illustrate how the chemistry of different product mixes evolves as an order is created.

The app would allow salespeople to easily select customers, specify treatment areas (e.g., Green or Fairway), and their dimensions (e.g., 1.2 hectares). Furthermore, they would be able to search for, select, and combine products into one or more tank mixes. The app would also calculate the necessary number of packages and visualize the chemical composition of the mix. Along with the composition of the mix, pricing was equally important. The salesperson would have the ability to offer discounts and provide information about the customer’s existing inventory.

To go from idea to implementation in such a short time is nothing short of revolutionary for us. Molnify has not only made our work more efficient, but also changed the way we interact with our customers. The ability to receive orders directly in the field, whether via computer, tablet or mobile, has given us unprecedented flexibility and accessibility in the customer meeting. It's not just a time saver; it's a whole new level of service and efficiency.

Peter Olsson, Sweden Manager, Indigrow

The solution

A custom order system that could handle this complexity was created by building all the logic in Excel and then converting it into a Molnify app. Thanks to Molnify’s powerful tools, the development of the solution took only a week, and salespeople in England, Sweden, and Europe could then start creating orders in their new system.

Together with Molnify, a pricing and order application was developed, enabling salespeople to create orders on-site with customers. This not only saves time but also allows them to focus more on what truly matters in sales—creating value for their customers and nurturing customer relationships in the field, rather than in Excel in front of a screen.

As a result of using the app in their daily routines, a significant amount of time has been saved for the salespeople. Additionally, the app has minimized development costs, as Indigrow now has an order system specifically tailored to their way of doing business.

Get in touch today!​

Are you ready to turn your Excel files into dynamic web apps? Contact us at Molnify today to create custom solutions that grow with your business!

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