Use cases

Molnify lets you turn your Excel files and Google Sheets models into interactive web applications

Create apps that suit your business, with your unique needs. Below we list some common Use Cases

ROI models with Molnify: Streamlining value communication

Laptop screen with Excel-file of ROI application

Integrating an ROI model when selling products or services is an effective way to demonstrate value to your customers

Here we give examples of why this is a good way to communicate value in an ROI:

Quantification of value
An ROI model converts the benefits of your product or service into concrete numbers, making it easy for the customer to understand the financial benefit.

Builds trust
By showing the potential return on investment, you help the customer feel confident in their decision to invest.

Facilitates decision-making
A clear ROI model makes it easier for customers, especially in B2B, to justify their purchases internally.

Customizable communication
ROI models can be adjusted to fit specific customer needs, making your communications more relevant and persuasive.

Emphasizes long-term value
Beyond immediate benefits, an ROI model highlights long-term values, which are crucial in the buying process.

Why upgrade your Excel-based ROI to a Molnify app?

Device independent use
Use your ROI app on any device – smartphone, tablet or computer. Unlike Excel, which can be impractical on mobile devices, Molnify offers a smooth user experience everywhere.

Professional appearance
A web app with your company’s colors and logo gives a much more professional appearance compared to a traditional Excel file.

Interactivity and engagement
Molnify apps have interactive features like sliders and dropdown menus, making it easy for users to explore different scenarios and see the impact of their decisions instantly. This in turn increases both commitment and understanding.

Easy sharing and collaboration
Easily share your ROI app via a link. This eliminates the need to send files back and forth and enables effective collaboration without the risk of version conflicts.

Data Integrity and Updates
With Molnify, your data is protected and centralized, reducing the risk of errors and information loss. The app can be easily updated to reflect new data or changes, ensuring that everyone always has access to the latest information.

By using Molnify for your ROI models, you can effectively communicate the value of your products and services in a professional and engaging way.

Pricing and ordering applications with Molnify

Laptop with excel-file that has coloured columns

Businesses often use Excel to build pricing models because of the program's flexibility and ability to meet unique business needs.

Excel allows companies to tailor pricing models to specific needs and criteria, including unique business rules, discount structures and cost models that accurately reflect their business.

Complex calculations
With support for advanced mathematical and statistical functions, Excel can handle complex calculations. Companies use these features to simulate different price scenarios and predict how changes in costs, market conditions or demand may affect profitability.

Availability and familiarity
Excel is a well-known and widely used tool, which means that many employees already have the skills required to work with the program. This reduces the need for extensive training and facilitates teamwork around pricing models.

Cost effectiveness
Developing a pricing model in Excel requires no additional software investment for companies that already have access to the Microsoft Office suite. This makes Excel a cost-effective option for creating custom pricing solutions.

Dynamic update and simulation
Excel enables businesses to easily update input values ​​such as material costs and labor. This enables companies to quickly adjust their prices in accordance with market changes or internal adjustments.

Despite these advantages, challenges such as versioning, sharability, and scalability can limit Excel’s long-term effectiveness. Companies are therefore increasingly turning to more advanced tools like Molnify to optimize their pricing strategies.

Benefits of turning your Excel-based pricing model to a Molnify App

Building a custom app through Molnify to manage your pricing and sales process is more economical than modifying generic software packages, saving both time and money. This is especially true if your company may have a very special or complex pricing policy.

Easy handling of price updates
With Molnify, all users can work with the latest data, eliminating the risk of versioning and inconsistency. When data is updated in the app, all users have access to the changes immediately, reducing the risk of incorrect information.

Flexible and independent work for salespeople
Sales teams can create, save and update orders independently within the same system. This in turn increases efficiency and reduces duplication of effort.

Improved communication and document management
With built-in functions for email communication and integration with tools such as Slack or Teams, as well as the ability to create and download customized documents such as invoices or quotes, professionalism is increased and the flow of communication becomes smoother.

Centralized and secure data management:
With integration to a SQL database, important sales data is kept centralized and secure. This facilitates follow-up and analysis and ensures that the entire organization has access to updated information.

By moving to a Molnify app, businesses can efficiently manage complex pricing and ensure the entire team always has access to the latest updates and pricing. This improves internal workflows and elevates the customer experience by offering consistent and accurate information.

Insurance products as Web applications with Molnify

Laptop with Excel-file of insurance application

Insurance products are often complex and require careful calculations to correctly assess risks and determine premium costs

Traditionally, Excel has been the preferred tool for this work due to its flexibility and capacity to handle advanced calculations and scenario modeling. Here are some benefits:

Complex computing capacity:
Excel supports detailed risk assessments and premium calculations using its advanced mathematical functions.

Flexible adaptation
Tailor models to reflect specific business rules and policy specifications.

Scenario analysis
Simulate the effects of various risk factors and market changes to predict possible outcomes.

Excel is widely used and many employees have the necessary skills, which facilitates its use.

Cost effectiveness
Create and update insurance models without additional software costs.

Despite these advantages, there are some limitations such as versioning and scalability. To overcome these challenges, many companies have started using Molnify to transform their Excel-based models into efficient web applications.

Benefits of using Molnify for insurance applications

Direct integration
The web apps can be easily integrated into the company’s website through iFrames, creating a seamless customer experience.

User-centered design
Customers can personalize insurance options and instantly see pricing based on their choices, making the process more engaging.

Efficient buying process:
Integration with digital signature services such as Adobe Sign enables fast and secure online transactions, improving the customer’s shopping experience.

Agile product development
Molnify allows rapid testing and launch of new insurance products, which shortens development times and enables quick feedback from users.

Centralized update management
Any updates to the pricing model are immediately reflected in all applications, eliminating versioning issues and ensuring that all users have the latest information.


By converting Excel-based insurance models into web applications with Molnify, companies can efficiently manage complex pricing and improve the customer experience. This makes it possible to offer consistent and accurate information while quickly adapting to market demands.

Industrial calculations with Molnify

Laptop screen with Excel-file of industrial calculations application

Complex calculations in various industries require careful analysis and precision. Traditionally, Excel has been an indispensable tool for this purpose thanks to its flexibility and capacity to handle advanced calculations and scenario modeling.

Here are some benefits of using Excel:

Detailed simulation
Excel enables the simulation of various operational scenarios to ensure safety and efficiency, whether it is in manufacturing, logistics, energy or other sectors.

Models can be tailored to suit specific needs in different industries, such as transport, construction or manufacturing.

Technical precision
Excel supports the complex calculations required to accurately predict performance and safety under varying conditions.

Available expertise
Employees in various industries are often already familiar with Excel, which facilitates the use and development of these models.

Cost effectiveness
Developing and maintaining models in Excel requires no additional software investment, making it a cost-effective option.

Despite these advantages, there are limitations such as versioning and sharability. To overcome these challenges, companies can use Molnify to transform their Excel models into efficient web applications.

Advantages of Molnify for Industrial Calculations

Centralized accessibility
Engineers, technicians and salespeople can collaborate and share knowledge through applications that are accessible to the entire company.

Interactive configuration
Users can dynamically adjust parameters and immediately see the effects of different scenarios, whether it concerns the construction of buildings, optimization of logistics chains or energy extraction.

Instant updates
When models are updated or improved, these changes are reflected directly in all Molnify apps, ensuring that all users have the latest information.

Increased efficiency
Rapid execution and comparison of scenarios reduces calculation time and improves decision-making in industries such as manufacturing, logistics and energy.

User-friendly design
Molnify apps’ intuitive interface makes it easy for non-technical users to interact with the computational models.

By using Molnify to digitize computational models, companies in various industries can improve communication and understanding between departments, as well as maintain high security standards and operational efficiency.

Inspection and incident reporting app with Molnify

Laptop with Excel-file of incident application

In many industries, safety and efficiency are crucial and require continuous maintenance.

Creating and maintaining an inspection and incident reporting app with Molnify provides several benefits:

Build a Model Tailored to Your Specific Needs

You can easily customize the model to meet your company’s specific needs and requirements. Excel offers many features and formulas that allow you to create dynamic and interactive models. Adjustments and updates can be made quickly without having to wait for an IT department or external provider.

Simplicity and Accessibility

Excel is familiar to many and requires no special training. Most companies already have access to Excel, reducing the need to invest in expensive software. Excel is easy to install and is often already available on most computers.

Fast and Efficient Development

Developing an app in Excel is fast and efficient thanks to its built-in formulas and functions. You can immediately start building and using your app without waiting for a software developer. Hiring a developer to create a custom solution in a programming language is often both expensive and time-consuming, while Excel offers a cost-effective and quick solution.

Flexible Scalability

Excel models can easily be scaled up to handle larger amounts of data and more users. With Molnify, you can also transform your Excel files into web applications, enabling you to reach more users and work more efficiently. This flexibility allows you to start with a simple model and gradually expand its functionality as your needs change, without having to rebuild everything from scratch.

Build solutions without programming skills

One of the biggest advantages of Molnify is that people with knowledge of Excel can build advanced solutions for their business without having to program. For example, an employee with solid knowledge of Excel can, with the help of Molnify’s user-friendly platform, create and continuously improve applications that are central to the business.

Benefits of Molnify for Inspection and Incident Reporting Apps

Ease of use
Molnify’s platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those without a technical background. Because you create your apps in Excel, this means that more people within the organization can contribute to the development of digital solutions.

Quick updates
When inspection models are updated, these changes are immediately reflected in the app, ensuring that all users have access to the latest information.

Effective communication
Features such as your app being able to create PDFs, connect to external APIs, and save data to an SQL database can improve communication within the team and with external parties.

Increased security and compliance
By using digital tools like Molnify, companies can improve security and regulatory compliance, which is critical in experience-based businesses.

By using Molnify to digitize inspection and incident reporting, companies in the experience industry can effectively manage security and operational processes, while benefiting from the simplicity and power of the platform. This underlines the value of digital tools in supporting and improving operational processes.

Get in touch today!​

Are you ready to turn your Excel files into dynamic web apps? Contact us at Molnify today to create custom solutions that grow with your business!

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